![]() ♥♥♥ Hye ! Welcome to my Riotz World ♥♥♥ P/S : Please be nice here , thank you Status <3 ![]()
My Music Credits
Template by : Farah Dini Basecodes by : Nurul AtiQah Edited by : Scha Aye Jay Others: ♥♥♥ ♦-----------------------------------------♦
| missery is anywhere....
semalam memang seksa glewr nak balek.... sampai mmg awal, pastu pandai naik bas smpai umah sndiri... amek ko ujan slebat-lebat nyer sampai basah kuyop sume nyer.... dah lah mama tak dew kt umah, terpakse lah tumpang umah mak fifi... mmg sedih btol lah smalam..... tapi tak mengape sbb ucu blanje makan kat 7 spices mlm smalam, ary ny maybe tutty frutty kowt.... kat skolah mmg hot glewr ary tu.... operasi bsar-besaran bersama rozi...... smpai anna, piepa, sep, azreen n jieha kne tarik join memey dlm bilik disiplin tu skali..... aq pown masok tp as pengawas lah.... as a result, dyorg sume kne warning and our bilik m has taken away and even locked.... tak tau lah mne markas baru...... pasal batch pown hot gak..... 5 in a row kteowg asyik kne tegor jewk.... aq tak paham btol lah.....
ape2 jewk lah.... life mmg suck bile owg tak paham kte and ny lah terjadi klu ske busybody bertambah... just nak bagi amaran jewk lah.. MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS LAH!!!!!! |