Scha's Riotz world


♥♥♥ Hye ! Welcome to my Riotz World ♥♥♥ P/S : Please be nice here , thank you

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My Music

Planetarium (piano) by Ai Otsuka


Template by : Farah Dini
Basecodes by : Nurul AtiQah
Edited by : Scha Aye Jay

Copyright© by Farah Dini 2012

salah ke???

urm,, sambil bosan2 nyh aq tgk citer nyh
tp yg kedue lha.. yg first dh tgk..
urm,, juz teringat moment aq nanges bace 
novel yg first...
yg second aq tak bce novel pown..
tak sgke aq mlayan novel
tp aq ske novel yg best-seller sbb mmg
terbukti best ..

okayh,, klu aq letak gmbo nyh..
korg fikir ape..
urm,, b4 fikir bkn2 baek aq ckp dulu ..

aq tak thu lha ape slh group nyh and
tak thu lha pasalgroup nyh
mcm2 probs dah ade dekat kteorg ...
aq kne pown trok kayh,,
alasan nyer aq ketua,, who say kayh??
aq nyyh pengawas so mne boleyh 
mengetuai group cmny..

tp,, aq maybe minx maaf sbb group nyh
aq yg master-mind,,
dry segi nme lha- Kay Pee Jay ue~
ade org ckp,, KPJ bajet market and gangster
tp tak thu lha mne bajet nyer
stakat nme ue, juz maen2 jewk...
yes,, kes wana naek un nme kteorg tp
tu sume missunderstanding..
argh!! pasl couple ke??
nyh S.T.B lha yk nyer un...
aq mmg tak ske couple and aq thu ade
yg thu pasal ue dlm group ue
so,, sbb tu lha aq dikecam un........
lntak korg lha..
slah ke bnci couple sdgkan couple tu hmpiri zina?
bnde tu haram un...
pasal aktiviti kteorg... byse lha ramai lg wat
tp korg pown thu un
pape pasal ue.. 

argh!! lntak lha,,
korg bermasalah dgn kteorg
korg punyer pasal..
aq nak minx maaf?? aq tak thu
atas dasar ape..
tp,, kat sini aq juz nak ckp
"sorry klu slame nyh aq wat slah n hope
ape yg tak puas aty boleyh ckp"
sorry sgt yerk..