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Template by : Farah Dini Basecodes by : Nurul AtiQah Edited by : Scha Aye Jay Others: ♥♥♥ ♦-----------------------------------------♦
| Segmen : 5 Blog Cool Pilihan Ku 2011
so aq pown decide utk share pasal hal nyh jgak...
i've got 5 blog that i choosed which is
aq slaloo jenguk blog dy sbb dy member aq ,, so aq ske catch up pasal hal dy and her blog is such a nice one .. i do like it...
this girl nyh pow member aq,, and dlm hal blog dy lah yg exposed ka aq pasal contest
smpai lah aq lebyh byk joi cotest dry dy,, hehe~
yg ny plak blog batch aq me nyer X-TROVERT,, act aq one of the admin tp sometimes
aq kne catch up pasal blog aq jgak sbb sometimes ade yg aq tak tau..
budak nyh plak bestie aq,, and aq slaloo tgk blog nyh sbb sometimes aq kne tahu jgak
kehidupan kwn aq kat luar skolah.. tak kan asyik nak text jewk..
hurm,, hope korg tahu knape aq slaloo bkak blog nyh.. of course lah utk tutorial and
tutorial dy byk mnjadi so aq ske sgt...
okayh,, tu jewk pasal blog pilihan aq..
klu ade yg nak join segmen nyh jgak,, cepat2 lah join..
dah nak tutop nyh..