14 Feb 2013
okay , got not much thing to say . as aq tak rase pon tarikh tu cm bufday aq since aq dah celebrate bufday aq awal . haha . lgpon got not much time to story lah (busy with biology) .
just nak share my birthday present . haha , show off nampak .
but who's care
from my beloved the thirteen . love you all |
from my best friends forever , Izzati Huda |
and yg depan tu hadiah utk birthday dy . haha |
lastly , i would like to thank someone yg sgt baek hati sbb pos kat aq byk giler hadiah .
thanks sgt yerk . ko mmg baek hati
toys yg danish dgn tisya yg maen |
due baju kurong baru utk aq . haha
pape pon . thank you so much pade sume
tak kesah lah just wish or with present yg penting
Labels: bahagie, cuty.... cuty......, harapan, poyo ckiwt, share